Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pledge drive/ ZMF/ Thanks

The WZMF tapes went over well with listeners on last night's showgram, as did the late '70s stuff and, gosh darn it, the 80s at 8:30. We raised more than $1,500. Thanks to those of you who made pledges. The identity of my 80's 'desert island discs' can now be revealed. As I said on the air, I simply went with the first three that came to mind without too much deep thinking. They are, in no particular order: The Smithereens "Especially for You," X's "Wild Gift" and the Replacements "Let It Be." I will join Richard next Wednesday night during Alt Farm Rock for the spring pledge drive. I also will make an appearance next Monday morning with Brent and Pat on the Monday morning drive time show.

1 comment:

  1. What energy there was in the studio that night. All the ZMF'ers throwing down some cash! The classic disrupted by cassette malfunction. This is what makes it real. Rich is one of the smoothest deejays yet, show the human side. Reachable. WMSE and it's staff are that. I've spent several hours volunteering during this pledge drive, a lot of fun. What I learned by sitting in on the shows about local music and the scene, very valuable.
